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Beaver Stencil Board
This Beaver Board Stencil Pattern is constructed of wood and is designed to ..
Bench Swager
For in-shop on-location work. Bolt to work bench. Multi compression jaws swage
Florescent Flagging
Dozens of uses for the trapper and snareman.
Please specify orange o..
Fur Hanger
After removing from the stretchers, hang up your furs to keep them clean and free from..
HD Spring Safety Hook 110-220
$.60 each or $5.95/doz or $41.95/100
HD Spring Safety Hook 280-330
$.65 each or $6.00/doz
HD Tail Stripper
This wonderful tool slits tails but also does a great job of gutting deer and op..
KB 1/2" 2lb Grapple
Starting at: $4.50
1/2" 2lbs comes with a brass attachment r..
KB Quick Connect Toggles
$3.50 /Doz - Short
$4.50 /Doz - Long
PVC Handling Pole
Made of lightweight durable PVC. 4 Foot pole with comfortable
handle and str..
Write Your Own Trap Tags
Thin metal tags that you can write on with a pencil and it will
sink ..
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 (1 Pages)